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Custom/Generic app

You can create and deploy arbitrary apps with jhub-apps, like Python Server, Flask API, etc.

Environment requirements

Your conda environment (used in JHub Apps Launcher's App creation form) must have the following packages for successful app deployment:

  • jhsingle-native-proxy >= 0.8.2
  • Custom framework used for the app
  • Other libraries used in the app

App creation form requirements

In the JHub Apps Launcher App creation form, select "Custom Command" for the "Framework". A text field input for a "Custom Command" is displayed. This field has a very specific format.

For example, to spin up a Python http server, the command used in JHub Apps is:

http.server {port}

This is different from the typical python http.server 8000 command in the following ways:

  • In jhub-apps, Python is picked from the conda environment mentioned in the form, so do NOT mention python.
  • Specifying the exact port is unnecessary because the created app will be deployed behind a proxy in JuptyterHub. Hence, a placeholder {port} is expected that will be substituted with an arbitrary port.

custom app